“Trainees develop into highly competent teachers who become future leaders” (Ofsted 2022)
“Employing headteachers are impressed by how much ECTs know” (Ofsted 2022)
We pride ourselves in our impressive employment rates. In the last twelve years the vast majority of our secondary trainees have found employment in schools within six months of graduating and a significant number are now in promoted posts. Over one hundred and eighty ex-trainees are currently employed in partnership schools and many more in local schools. More recently, a growing number of trainees have secured employment out of the area. Since the introduction of our primary course in 2016, between 90% and 100% of trainees have secured employment in schools within six months of graduating and many of our previous trainees now lead physical education or other subjects in their schools.
Prior to applying for jobs, trainees are supported in a number of preparatory conference days and mock interview days. They also receive support with applications and a personal mock interview. Feedback from head teachers about the quality of our trainees is exceptional and featured heavily in our Ofsted report (2022).
In February each year, all schools in the region receive a recruitment brochure providing a one-page profile on each of our trainees. Trainees employment profiles are available for employing schools to access on our website. Schools are invited to recruit directly through the North East Partnership SCITT if they choose.
Feedback about our ECTs is equally positive:
“Will is working above the level I would expect from an ECT at this stage. Will has been a pleasure to work with – he came to us with strong foundations from his teacher training year and has the inbuilt drive and professionalism to develop further as a practitioner.”
“Marcella is making excellent progress and is working above expectations in both theory and practical.”
“We are really pleased with Kate’s commitment, attitude and progress, she is a real asset in our department.”
“Adam’s strengths are his planning and preparation; the quality of his lessons has always been good and he prepares in detail for this. Adam is creative and this enables his lessons to be fun and challenging.”
“One of David’s main strengths is his understanding of where pupils are and what they need to do to continue to make progress.”
“Josh has established a strong relationship with his year 2 class, taking on the phonics screening check, which has been a real success. He has demonstrated a good understanding of the different needs of the children in his care and in doing so sets clear and achievable targets in all areas.”
“Jerome is hard working and has a passion for teaching, he is thoughtful and reflective and demonstrates exceptionally high standards.”
“Nathan consistently demonstrates strong and effective relationships with pupils, he contributes effectively to the wider life of the school and takes every opportunity to celebrate success.”
ECT tracking shows that the overwhelming majority of our trainees are working above the expected level during their first term as ECTs.